
definition: Mortty – a contraction of the terms Morse and RTTY

Mortty v5 is the fifth generation of Mortty keyers, which were inspired by a 2018 prototype RTTY project of Ed Muns, W0YK. Ed wrote an article about Mortty’s evolution for the ARRL’s National Contest Journal (NCJ) in September 2021. You can read the article by clicking HERE.

ABOUT: TinyFSK – by software developer K0SM, Andy Flowers

The TinyFSK RTTY program was written by K0SM way back in 2013 and refreshed with a new version in 2015. Its small size, inexpensive hardware, and rock-solid timing made it a popular alternative to Windows-based RTTY software. A program description and source code are available here TinyFSK (frontiernet.net)

ABOUT: CW Keyer – by software developer K3NG, Anthony “Goody” Good

The CW Keyer program was written by K3NG and originally released in 2011. CW Keyer has enjoyed continuous updates and enhancements ever since, and continues to improve with a wide variety of enhancements including the new RP2040 platform and support for Mortty v5. CW Keyer’s success can be attributed to its faithful emulation of the popular Winkeyer (v23) protocol, which is supported by every (?) logging program that sends CW. The source code for CW Keyer can be found on Goody’s gitub site GitHub – k3ng/k3ng_cw_keyer: K3NG Arduino CW Keyer.

ABOUT: Mortty v5 – hardware developer N8AR, Steve Smith

All five generations of Mortty Keyers owe their existence to the talents of N8AR, who has been responsbile for Mortty’s schematic design, parts selection, and circuit board layout. Mortty v5 posed a particular challenge as Mortty outgrew its original enclosure, expanded to SO2R, and migrated from the Arduino Nano to the RPi RP2040 microcontroller.

ABOUT: Mortty v5 – software developer K8UT, Larry Gauthier

While N8AR focused on the hardware, K8UT worked on software updates to ensure that Steve’s designs were reflected in Mortty-specific files within K3NG’s CW Keyer libraries. Mortty v5 required changes to KOSM’s TinyFSK, custom code for the CW sinewave, and adjustments for the RP2040’s timing and GPIO assignments.

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