Table Of Contents
Key Features

- Fully assembled and tested
- Dual modes: K3NG’s CW Keyer and K0SM’s TinyFSK
- Opto-isolated, ground-independent outputs
- RF chokes and bypass caps on all input and output lines
- CW sinewave Sidetone from internal speaker
- CW speed pot
- Nine status LEDs – power, CW mode, RTTY mode, plus PTT/CW/FSK for Radios 1 and 2
- AUX I/O feature for external speakers, keyer pushbuttons or ???
- Simple Plug & Play installation and operation
- One radio SO1R/SO2V (Single Operator 1 Radio, Single Operator 2 VFO) operation in CW and RTTY for Simplex & Split operation
- Two radio SO2R (Single Operator 2 Radios) operation in CW and RTTY with cooperating software
- Standalone (no PC required) CW paddle operation with USB battery pack (not included)
- Small, lightweight, portable for mobile, Field Day and back-country treks (perfect for SOTA and POTA)
- Rugged Crush-resistant and RFI-repellent metal enclosure
- Flash upgradeable and software reconfigurable
- For Developers and the DIYer (Do It Yourselfer), Mortty v5 source code available in K3NG’s collection

By Hams, For Hams
Required Materials
- CW Operation: Logging software that supports the K1EL Winkeyer (v23)
- RTTY Operation: Logging software that supports K0SM’s TinyFSK
- Cables to connect Mortty’s ouput jacks to your transceiver’s CW, PTT and FSK input jacks (see >Get Started >Install for details)
- NOTE: 3 foot USB-A to USB-C cable included in the package

- SIZE: 25mm (H), 40mm (W), 50mm (D) [1″x1.5″x2″]
- WEIGHT: 0 pounds, 2.8 ounces
- POWER: 5 volts DC (USB-C, cable included) @ 10ma (nominal) and 270ma max (CW sidetone at max volume)
- PROCESSOR: Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller, 125 MHz, 16MB
- CPU BOOT TIME: less than five seconds
- USB COM DRIVER: Microsoft Windows 7-11 (no special driver required)
- OUTPUTS: transistor optocouplers, LTV217, max 80 volts @ 50ma
- MODES: CW (K3NG CW Keyer) and FSK RTTY (K0SM TinyFSK)
- CW COM PORT SETTING: 1200 baud, 8, N, 1
- CW CHARACTER SET: international morse code
- CW SIDETONE: sinewave, internal speaker, 300 – 1600Hz
- CW SPEED MAX WPM: >100 word per minute (logger max). CPU/opto output max TBD
- CW SPEED POT RANGE: 5 – 55 words per minute (logger configurable)
- RTTY COM PORT SETTING: 9600 baud, 8, N, 1
- RTTY CHARACTER SET: international 5 bit baudot code
- RTTY SPEEDS: 45.45, 50, 75, 100